Monday, 29 May 2017

Magazine Models 15-20

16. Squirrel
17. Jason
18. Shamrock
19. Demelza
20. Various





Issue 20 - Various back-issue models were supplied with Issue 20 including Pearl, Roscoe and Heather,

Magazine Models 11-15

11. Rory
12. Strudel
13. Smokey
14. Unnamed
15. Polka


Strudel (similar to Stardust/Porridge and April, Strudel has rich coloured shading over her body and painted hooves)


Unnamed black yearling with star (often called Black Beauty or Black Beauty/Jet foal)


Magazine Models 6-10

6. Boris
7. Heather
8. Roscoe
9. April
10. Pearl



Roscoe (similar to Spice, but darker bay)

April (similar to Stardust/Porridge and Strudel, April has light shading on her whole body without distinctly painted hooves)


Magazine Models 1-5

Remember we have complete lists of both the Magazine and Collection models here!

Magazine Models 1 - 5
1. Stardust
2. Unnamed (grey Shetland)
3. Unnamed (brown native pony)
4. Spice
5. Ben

Stardust (later duplicate - Porridge)

Unnamed Shetland pony

Unnamed brown pony



Saturday, 13 May 2017

Collection Model 63: Horse Trailer 4x4 and Polo

Horse Trailer 4x4 set
63. Polo

The horse trailer set was pretty simple, containing only the car, trailer and a brown horse with pale legs and a white star, "Polo". Polo's breed card was part of the external packaging and had to be cut out by the owner.

photo of Polo pending

As far as we know, Polo was the last model in the MBH collection.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Collection models 56 - 58: Magic Foal Sets

56. Kira the Baskhir
57. Corrie the Icelandic
58. Lucinda the Camague
These sets each contained a foal, bucket, finger brush, sponge, "plasters" (stickers) and a breed card. The foals had colour-change markings which were activated by the cold and disappeared when warmed up.

Kira was the cream-coloured foal with mud splashed on her foreleg. This foal was later released as part of the animal hospital range but you can usually tell it apart. Only MBH-released foals have the colour change marking, or if this has worn off permanently as tends to happen, Animal Hospital foals often had white dots in the eyes or a glossy finish,
Corrie was the flaxen chestnut foal with a wound on her shoulder and Lucinda was the brown foal. I don't know if Lucinda had a colour-change marking so any information would be appreciated, as would photos to use of the chestnut and brown foals.

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Mystery Numbers

The Collection models each have a sequential number from 1 (Major) through to 54 (Brandy). At 55, the system breaks down. From 55 to 63, the numbers don't make much sense.

55. No model
56. Kira - Magic Foal Sets
57. Corrie - Magic Foal Sets
58. Lucinda - Magic Foal Sets
59. No model
60. No model
61. No model
62. No model
63. Polo - Horse Trailer 4 x 4 set

The best explanation for the numbers with no model is that the few un-numbered models in the collection are meant to fit here, but that they were never given breed cards officially so we wouldn't know.

These include:

A black Native pony with a white stripe on his face, available with the first MBH story book. This model was not officially named but the book was called "Jewel's Day Out", so...

Foals from the Vet 'n' Care Playset
More information on the foals and playset here.

This flaxen hunter came with one of the Pony & Rider Assortment sets, alongside pony Teddy. He never had an official name but many collectors call him "Flash".

Black Arabian
Magazine subscribers received bonus rewards with their subscription, including the Pony & Rider Assortment sets plus an extra "bonus" horse: the black Arabian-mould horse pictured here.

Klaus with a white mane and tail
Klaus was a white model with cream-coloured hair, sold with magazine issue no. 42. Several collectors have a rare model with pure white mane and tail believed to be part of the MBH collection. It's not know where this model fits into the numbering system or how it was sold. Pictured is an actual Klaus, because I don't have a photo of the white-haired version.

Plain black Native pony
If you ordered back issues of the MBH magazine you expected to get the same model the magazine was meant to come with. This wasn't always the case but it's how the back issues were pictured above their order form all the same. In some magazines the advert for back issues didn't have an order form, just an explanation of who to send your £2.40 to and a photo. This photo shows a plain black native pony attached to the magazines. It would make more sense to include this model in the "magazine" models sequence, but maybe it was meant to have one of the missing numbers.

If you have any information to fill the gaps in the MBH collection, please get in touch via the comments section! Next up will be the final four collection models - the Magic Foals and Polo.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Collection Models 53 & 54: the Horse of the Year Superset

Horse of the Year Superset
53. Smokey
54. Brandy
The Horse of the Year Show themed set is one of the largest MBH sets and still one of the most popular with collectors, proving hard to find and selling for a good price when it does crop up on eBay.

It contained two horses - grey Smokey and bay Brandy - plus two riders (green/purple with green hat with chin strap and red/white with red hat with chin strap), two tack sets (purple and red), two numnahs (green and orange), eight jump blocks, eight poles, two cones, rosette, winner's cup, eight horseshoes, hoof pick, yellow finger brush, two breed cards and a real working stopwatch to time your horses' cross-country or showjumping rounds.
Photo credit: Rachel B
This was the second set to feature horseshoes which could be added or removed to the models and the only MBH set to contain the jump blocks. These were later sold in carious other colors as part of other brand sets such as I Love Ponies. A duplicate for Smokey was also sold in other ranges later on, making him much easier to find than Brandy or the accessories in this set.