The "Animal Hospital" toy range was made by the same company as My Beautiful Horses. These toys ran alongside the Animal Hospital TV series on the BBC. It included both unique new models and those which were exactly the same or very similar to previous MBH releases.
(I don't have the complete details for all of these sets so their names are just rough descriptions.)
The horse box ambulance set contained an exact copy of Black Beauty, which makes him a much more common find than the Ginger and Merrylegs models he was first sold with. He was re-named as Jet for this release (thanks Beth for pointing this out!).
A later version of the horse ambulance came with a copy of MBH Smokey and a new Arab model in a sort of cremello colour.
The original helicopter rescue set came with a foal very similar to MBH Kira. The Animal Hospital version lacks Kira's colour-change mud splash, tends to be glossier and may have dots painted in the eyes.
A hospital version of the Showtime Stables, renamed the "Horse Rescue Centre", included accessories from 44. Storm's set and the fold-away stables plus the same rider as Belle. The Pony Care Set looks like it was also included here.
A bigger horse ambulance came with a pretty cremello show pony.
Soon after the end of the MBH range, the Animal Hospital brand brought out a Pony Care Set with Belle's rider and a white trotting pony with colour-change injuries. The set had lots of vet accessories, a realistic riding hat, trotting pole, stable accessories and a new style of breed card.
Please let us know if you've seen any other Animal Hospital horses from the old MBH moulds!